Enough of the morning routine. What about the day routine?

Enough of the morning routine. What about the day routine?

Of course, as the good autoimmune soldier, I have also a da(il)y routine.

It’s more like a guideline than a routine but nevertheless. First, let me tell you that a autoimmune disease can strike anytime anywhere and cause you pain or other uncomfortable feelings. How do I deal with the pain? I do some deep breathing and meditation. The key is not to think your pain away, just concentrate on it, feel it and in time it will come a part of you where you do not feel that much of a discomfort. O course our goal is to get rid of the pain altogether and that’s what we are working on.

Preparing your food beforehand is also key to a daily routine. If I want to get things done, I must be prepared beforehand or shit hits the fan quick and I get frustrated not finishing things. As you know from my previous posts I eat a salad with every meal. So the ingredients of my big salad are prepared and I mix them for the meals. I also love and eat my pseudo grains with my salads. This must be also prepared beforehand. I soak them 24 hours in water and cook them at least 15 minutes in the pressure cooker.

If I want to finish a task, full concentration is required, no social media, no procrastination whatsoever. I can’t just cut my internet connection so I use bookmarks instead. Everything that comes to my mind and needs some type of online interaction I save as a bookmark to be done later in a batch processed way. That saves me huge amounts of time.

Also looking sometimes at the huge dream board gives a good motivational boost. Yeah, I got one of these dream boards after making fun of them, how silly they are and so, I got really into it after factasticgirl put one up.

That’s a rough description of my da(il)y routine. See you on the next post about my evening routine.