Archive of posts with category 'Triathlon'
On Wednesday we woke up at the Rives de la Fecht residence, biked to the Bretzel Ultra Tri Village the long way around to test the bike course. After arriving...
Almost every weekend, since 2020 april, I have been completing virtual triathlons. What started this journey was the launch of Ironman VR series on the 4.4.2020 and of course the...
On 1.6.2019 a Saturday morning 2 weeks after the Ironman 70.3 in Calella/Barcelona I was surfing triathlon sites for nearby events. Found out that at that weekend also the Wasserstadt...
On Friday afternoon I took my bike from the bike shop and brought it to the apartment to store it in my room.
Thursday night Flight from Düsseldorf to Barcelona was delayed about 3-4 hours and instead of arriving at 10 pm on thursday there, the plane landed late night after 12am on...
What does 70.3 mean: 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run = 70.3 miles or 113 km