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First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 2

Taking a taxi to the Bosphorus bridges foot, roads were closed, thanked the taxi driver and started walking up the roads that are closed to the traffic. Almost wanted to...

First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 1

Since the beginning of my autoimmune condition and after my doctor’s statement that a lot of things will be different from that point on; that there is no cure and...

How to Run a Half Marathon with Ankylosing Spondylitis PART 1

First of all, it was a wonderful day in Duisburg, not that hot and cold. This would be my first long distance run over 21 km. Last summer, approximately the...


After a long hiatus because of couple of reasons, from now on I will try post some articles more frequently.

Our Depressed Brain - The Role of Our Immune System and Gut

Gastrointestinal depression is that even a thing? Change or loss of mucosal tolerance causes an up or down regulation of key immune responses. These changes are related to problems with...

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