Category Some facts about

Managing and Reducing Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide Backed by Scientific Evidence

Managing and Reducing Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide Backed by Scientific Evidence

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) Syndrome

The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw bone (the mandible) to the bone at the side of the skull on each side of the head with muscles controlling movements...


What is the humane microbiome? Scientists have been working to specify the definition of the human microbiome and the microbiota that can often be used interchangeably. The microbiome is defined...

Autoimmune Disorders - 1

Autoimmunity was first described as “horror autotoxicus” (horror of self-toxicity) by Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich at the beginning of the twentieth century to depict the immune system mechanism response to...


Mindfulness is an intentional cultivation of consciousness, which is believed to promote well-being. Mindfulness practice in daily life with focused attention, awareness, and non-judgemental, accepting attitude demonstrates benefits in health,...


Dementia is the name for a group of symptoms, which include impairments in cognitive functions (thought, communication, memory, thinking, orientation, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgement) where consciousness is not...

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

PFOA is a synthetic persistent chemical, which is widely used in commercial and industrial manufacturing such as prominent consumer goods of non-stick cookware (Teflon), waterproof carpets, breathable clothing (Gore-Tex), filtration...


Glyphosate is a pesticide that is used in agriculture, horticulture and in some non-cultivated areas to control plants. Regardless of the fact that our health is under threat, the human...


Endometriosis -which I refer to as “the loud silent disease,” because despite painful symptoms it is usually not diagnosed- is the development of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus commonly on...

Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, is a synthetic estrogen (xenoestrogen) that is used in the chemical industry to manufacture plastics. BPA, which is used in numerous commercial products...

Category factasticgirl

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) Syndrome

The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw bone (the mandible) to the bone at the side of the skull on each side of the head with muscles controlling movements...


What is the humane microbiome? Scientists have been working to specify the definition of the human microbiome and the microbiota that can often be used interchangeably. The microbiome is defined...

Autoimmune Disorders - 1

Autoimmunity was first described as “horror autotoxicus” (horror of self-toxicity) by Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich at the beginning of the twentieth century to depict the immune system mechanism response to...


Mindfulness is an intentional cultivation of consciousness, which is believed to promote well-being. Mindfulness practice in daily life with focused attention, awareness, and non-judgemental, accepting attitude demonstrates benefits in health,...


Dementia is the name for a group of symptoms, which include impairments in cognitive functions (thought, communication, memory, thinking, orientation, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgement) where consciousness is not...

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

PFOA is a synthetic persistent chemical, which is widely used in commercial and industrial manufacturing such as prominent consumer goods of non-stick cookware (Teflon), waterproof carpets, breathable clothing (Gore-Tex), filtration...


Glyphosate is a pesticide that is used in agriculture, horticulture and in some non-cultivated areas to control plants. Regardless of the fact that our health is under threat, the human...


Endometriosis -which I refer to as “the loud silent disease,” because despite painful symptoms it is usually not diagnosed- is the development of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus commonly on...

Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, is a synthetic estrogen (xenoestrogen) that is used in the chemical industry to manufacture plastics. BPA, which is used in numerous commercial products...

Category AI Guy

Managing and Reducing Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide Backed by Scientific Evidence

Managing and Reducing Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide Backed by Scientific Evidence

Tortour de Ruhr 2024

My TorTour de Ruhr 100 Mile Journey: A Test of Endurance and Camaraderie

VJM 2023

Vietnam Jungle Marathon 2023

5X Istanbul Ultra Triathlon

Day 1 - Friday, May 26, 2023

Cabbage Leaves: Your New Secret Weapon Against Osteoarthritis

Hey there, cabbage lovers! Did you know that cabbage leaves can do more than just make a great coleslaw? In fact, they can be your new secret weapon against osteoarthritis...

Bretzel Ultra Tri Colmar - Triple Iron Distance Continuous

On Wednesday we woke up at the Rives de la Fecht residence, biked to the Bretzel Ultra Tri Village the long way around to test the bike course. After arriving...

Help us mighty AI

My writing is getting least frequent and the article content shorter and shorter, maybe some of you noticed, who follow this blog. I turned to some technological advancements around writing...

Every weekend a triathlon, for 1 year

Almost every weekend, since 2020 april, I have been completing virtual triathlons. What started this journey was the launch of Ironman VR series on the 4.4.2020 and of course the...

Hannover Wasserstadt Triathlon 140.6

On 1.6.2019 a Saturday morning 2 weeks after the Ironman 70.3 in Calella/Barcelona I was surfing triathlon sites for nearby events. Found out that at that weekend also the Wasserstadt...

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 3

On Friday afternoon I took my bike from the bike shop and brought it to the apartment to store it in my room.

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 2

Thursday night Flight from Düsseldorf to Barcelona was delayed about 3-4 hours and instead of arriving at 10 pm on thursday there, the plane landed late night after 12am on...

Triathlon Journey - Ironman 70.3 Part 1

What does 70.3 mean: 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run = 70.3 miles or 113 km

First Ultra Marathon - Rodgau Ultra 50k

Running 6 hours with temperatures 0-4 C … 🥶

First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 2

Taking a taxi to the Bosphorus bridges foot, roads were closed, thanked the taxi driver and started walking up the roads that are closed to the traffic. Almost wanted to...

First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 1

Since the beginning of my autoimmune condition and after my doctor’s statement that a lot of things will be different from that point on; that there is no cure and...

How to Run a Half Marathon with Ankylosing Spondylitis PART 1

First of all, it was a wonderful day in Duisburg, not that hot and cold. This would be my first long distance run over 21 km. Last summer, approximately the...


After a long hiatus because of couple of reasons, from now on I will try post some articles more frequently.

Our Depressed Brain - The Role of Our Immune System and Gut

Gastrointestinal depression is that even a thing? Change or loss of mucosal tolerance causes an up or down regulation of key immune responses. These changes are related to problems with...

The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases are Unknown - Part 6

Seasonings and Good Fats After you follow a strict diet and eat the foods we talked about in part 5 for a few months the inflammation in your body should...

Gut Stress - Infection or Loss of Ecological Balance

How is it possible that our gut gets into stress?

The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases are Unknown - Part 4

Here are some of the bad boys that cause inflammation.

The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases are Unknown - Part 3

What is most likely causing our leaky gut?

The Cause of Autoimmune Diseases are Unknown - Part 1

And what you eat or supplement will not make any difference at all.

Plant-Based Autoimmune Protocol is an Intensive Lifestyle Change

Change your lifestyle and get your autoimmune disease under control.

Yoga to Tame the Beast that Attacks Your Joints

What kind of exercise helps with autoimmune diseases that attack the joints?

The Power of Fasting and Why am I Doing It

I know, Fasting is not an easy process, just simple. Let me tell you my personal experience. The barrier to overcome your eating urges gets really low if you have...

Hormonal Reactions Triggered by Cold Showers

Booom, the cold water hits your body, what happens next?

Hypothermia Prevention During Cold Showers

Our goal is to stay warm during and after the cold showers.

Enough of the morning routine. What about the day routine?

Of course, as the good autoimmune soldier, I have also a da(il)y routine.

Night routine, do you have one?

I have definitely one and it really helps me a lot also in dealing with stress and fatigue.

My "Feeling the Best" Morning Routine part 2 – Cold Showers in Detail

As mentioned in my previous post my morning routine involves also taking cold showers, let me explain to you why this helped me a lot to tame the beast…

My "Feeling the Best" Morning Routine part 1

Why is a morning routine important?

Why is this happening to me? The autoimmune culprit!

The symptoms of the autoimmune disorders aren’t visible at first.

Where to buy prebiotics?

You do not need to buy probiotic supplements! What do I eat daily? When I say prebiotics, my friends look at me blankly and probably they search it on their...

Category Running

First Ultra Marathon - Rodgau Ultra 50k

Running 6 hours with temperatures 0-4 C … 🥶

First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 2

Taking a taxi to the Bosphorus bridges foot, roads were closed, thanked the taxi driver and started walking up the roads that are closed to the traffic. Almost wanted to...

First Full Marathon - Crossing the bridge in Istanbul - Part 1

Since the beginning of my autoimmune condition and after my doctor’s statement that a lot of things will be different from that point on; that there is no cure and...

How to Run a Half Marathon with Ankylosing Spondylitis PART 1

First of all, it was a wonderful day in Duisburg, not that hot and cold. This would be my first long distance run over 21 km. Last summer, approximately the...

Category To be continued

Help us mighty AI

My writing is getting least frequent and the article content shorter and shorter, maybe some of you noticed, who follow this blog. I turned to some technological advancements around writing...

Every weekend a triathlon, for 1 year

Almost every weekend, since 2020 april, I have been completing virtual triathlons. What started this journey was the launch of Ironman VR series on the 4.4.2020 and of course the...

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 3

On Friday afternoon I took my bike from the bike shop and brought it to the apartment to store it in my room.

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 2

Thursday night Flight from Düsseldorf to Barcelona was delayed about 3-4 hours and instead of arriving at 10 pm on thursday there, the plane landed late night after 12am on...

Triathlon Journey - Ironman 70.3 Part 1

What does 70.3 mean: 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run = 70.3 miles or 113 km

First Ultra Marathon - Rodgau Ultra 50k

Running 6 hours with temperatures 0-4 C … 🥶

Category Triathlon

Bretzel Ultra Tri Colmar - Triple Iron Distance Continuous

On Wednesday we woke up at the Rives de la Fecht residence, biked to the Bretzel Ultra Tri Village the long way around to test the bike course. After arriving...

Every weekend a triathlon, for 1 year

Almost every weekend, since 2020 april, I have been completing virtual triathlons. What started this journey was the launch of Ironman VR series on the 4.4.2020 and of course the...

Hannover Wasserstadt Triathlon 140.6

On 1.6.2019 a Saturday morning 2 weeks after the Ironman 70.3 in Calella/Barcelona I was surfing triathlon sites for nearby events. Found out that at that weekend also the Wasserstadt...

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 3

On Friday afternoon I took my bike from the bike shop and brought it to the apartment to store it in my room.

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Calella - Part 2

Thursday night Flight from Düsseldorf to Barcelona was delayed about 3-4 hours and instead of arriving at 10 pm on thursday there, the plane landed late night after 12am on...

Triathlon Journey - Ironman 70.3 Part 1

What does 70.3 mean: 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run = 70.3 miles or 113 km

Category Nutrition

Help us mighty AI

My writing is getting least frequent and the article content shorter and shorter, maybe some of you noticed, who follow this blog. I turned to some technological advancements around writing...

Category Heal

5X Istanbul Ultra Triathlon

Day 1 - Friday, May 26, 2023

Cabbage Leaves: Your New Secret Weapon Against Osteoarthritis

Hey there, cabbage lovers! Did you know that cabbage leaves can do more than just make a great coleslaw? In fact, they can be your new secret weapon against osteoarthritis...

Category Ultra

Tortour de Ruhr 2024

My TorTour de Ruhr 100 Mile Journey: A Test of Endurance and Camaraderie

VJM 2023

Vietnam Jungle Marathon 2023